Special retreats in 2020


Because we wanted to share our villa with some inspiring people we decided to work together with some amazing retreat organizers.

Check out the different dates and organisers, more info for booking trough the link.

Yoga Morocco


7.03 - 14.03

Morocco yoga retreat

Organised by “Align body and mind + Lexi Dranidi Yoga”.

A Yoga retreat to energise your body and mind;
Daily morning and evening Yoga classes.
Yoga Nidra, Meditation workshops, Qi gong

More info !



4.04 - 11.04

Ocean Soul Sisters

Own production.

Catering exclusively to women, OCEAN SOUL SISTERS IS A SURF & YOGA getaway week in Morocco with a focus on physical fun, balanced healthy living, and all the touches the female adventure traveler is after.

This trip is perfect for beginners and intermediates, it’s all about sisterhood, bonding, exploring Moroccan culture and lapping up the beach lifestyle.

More info !

11.04 - 18.04

Ocean Soul Sisters presents Entrepreneurs edition

This is a week for all those woman who have an inner boss lady that wants to break free.
Do you have the idea in your head but you don’t know how to get it out.

Who says you can’t mix business with pleasure -- this is your excuse to go on a vacation because you need to get some work done !

More info !

25.04 - 2.05

Yoga and surf retreat

Organised by One Yoga Antwerp.

Onze ingrediënten zijn down-to-earth yoga, lekker eten, positive vibes, zon & zee en veel ME-time! Freedom first is ons motto. Het is vooral vakantie en jij beslist wat je wilt doen. Geen strenge bootcamp maar wel een heel relaxte yoga- & surfretreat om je batterijen op te laden.

More info !


23.10 - 31.10

Oceans and castles

Organised by “Rocky Road Travels”

Offers a unique and adventurous photography trip and educational retreat for women. We're visiting the most photogenic places, at home and abroad and combine this with activities such as hiking, surfing, mountain biking, kayaking, climbing... actually, everything that's adventurous! At the meantime, you will learn how to take the most beautiful photos.

More info !