Surfers for Charity
New Year's Day. A fresh start. Goodbye 2019 and hello 2020. Another fresh new year is here another year to live! To banish worry, doubt, and fear, to love and laugh and give! It is the perfect time to reflect on your life and what should change, or a perfect time to share and spread positivity.
When going on a surf trip to Morocco you might experience the lovely company of some salty furry friends. Everywhere you’ll find beach and street dogs, they look happy are play full and love to cuddle with the tourist from now and then. They might share your lunch or some shade under the umbrella with you. They even dare to claim your towel or your shoes if you don’t watch out! Maybe it’s just a surfers thing to love the company of dogs, might it be because there hearts are as wild and adventurous as ours or because we have one big love in common, the beach. We can not tell but one thing is sure at our surf house we like to give our support for a safe and healthier community for all our members. Whenever you find the time to come to our villa you’ll get the chance to meet one of our wonderful rescue dogs. Lexy, our handicapt street dog with a weird foot fetish or the 3 puppies we are currently fostering until they’re ready to leave to there new adoption families in Europe.
We would like to take this opportunity to shine some light on a non-profit community project that we admire a lot. Morocco animal aid supports local animal welfare charities, associations and care providers. This project makes our community a safer place. Any funds generated are spent on providing care and medicines for the benefit of the animals. Every year the street animals here in Morocco suffer. They have no homes so are exposed to every element, they have no regular access to clean water or food. Parasites are everywhere and spread disease and the population continues to expand.
What can you do ?
When coming to Morocco people know they are going to shopping heaven. So instead of flying with an empty suitcase you could stuff it with some things that might come in handy for the shelter. Why not pop into your local pet supply shop and buy a few things to bring with you. A bit of good travel karma never hurts anybody. The organization always need, tick and flea treatments, worming tablets, Scalibor flea collars (to protect against Leishmaniasis), feeding bowls of all sizes, collars and leads, even dog brushes are useful. These items are small and lightweight and can easily fit in your hold luggage – so rather than come light, take the full allowance instead and help the animals.
Leave stuff !
Finished your holiday? Are your towels finished with? Then leave them behind. They are always desperate for clean towels and by you leaving yours, we will have lots to go round. Most of the animals we treat have never slept on a warm comfortable towel, so when recovering from a procedure, it is good to give them a bit of comfort. We also use towels to assist us in catching a calming the animals, preventing harm to both us and the animal. A dark towel over their heads and eyes quickly calms them down, making them safe and easy to control. The towel travels with them in the crate, so often becomes fouled and must be washed, so we always need spares.
Donate !
Everything costs money. From food to drugs, animal procedures and emergency life-saving treatment. All money given goes to the animals and the care of the animals – every penny. They are all volunteers and give out time and resources for free, often sacrificing there own comfort for the sake of caring for the animals – so your donations make it all possible.
You can donate in any currency, in blocks or as a monthly standing order.
Wanna help them out ——>
Adopt, don’t shop !
Last but not least adoption of a Moroccan street dog. Cause every dog deserves a good home ! It may be true that you can’t buy love, but you sure can adopt it! The organisation has got some lovely souls that are ready to find a new forever home, some of the dogs we posted a picture of are still in immediate need of a family.
For more details how to support, adopt or donate go to the website of MOROCCO ANIMAL AID